This week we are having fun with noodles and the letter Nn.
Table activities include threading thin spaghetti noodles into colander holes, playing with cooked noodles, sorting noodle types and colors, painting with spaghetti, threading buttons onto spaghetti and making noodle art with glue.
Small group activities include making a noodle sculpture, making a noodle necklace and adding Nn is for noodle to our journal.
The KDI for the week is Fine-motor skills- Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles. From threading noodles through small holes and onto pipe cleaners or yarn, we are working fine motor this week!
Jesus Time- This week we are listening to one of Jesus' parables- an earthly story with a spiritual meaning. The Good Samaritan is a story Jesus told to reveal who a neighbor is and how one shows love for their neighbor. The 10 commandments can be summed up in these two statements- Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself. Those opposed to Jesus wanted to know who their neighbor was- who did they have to love? A little historic background- the Jews and the Samaritans lived very close to one another, in fact Samaria was in between Judea and Galilee, the two provinces of Israel. Instead of going through Samaria to get from one place to the other, most Jews would take the long way around because they disliked the Samaritans so much. Jesus told the story of a man traveling from Jerusalem in Judea to Jericho which was in Samaria. As he traveled, he was attacked by robbers, who beat him and stole all he had, leaving him for dead on the side of the road. Two Jewish religious leaders came by, saw the man and walked as far away from him as they could get and did not help him at all. Then a Samaritan came, saw the man, cleaned him up, loaded him on his horse, took him to an inn where he paid for his care to be continued until he was able to leave. He asked nothing in return. Jesus asked , "Who was this man's neighbor?" The answer, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus commanded his followers to go and do likewise. Anyone we come across who has a need is our neighbor, we love them like ourselves. We have patience with them, whether they look like us, talk like us, smell bad, whatever. We are all neighbors to one another!
Books of the week are "Noodles" by Sarah Weeks and David A. Carter, "Today is Monday" by Eric Carle and "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" by Judi Barrett.
This week is Spirit Week and each day has a theme- Today was duct tape day and we made sure everyone had a bit of duct tape. Tuesday is Story book character day. Wednesday is Western Day and Thursday is Black and Red day. The K-8 school does not have school on Friday due to a basketball tournament. Preschool will be having classes! If you would like to come, you are very welcome!
Also, in a couple of weeks, Mrs. Oetzel will be having surgery to repair her knee! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers! We will be having a substitute during her recovery, Miss Hanselman.
Have a super week!
We will be praying for you
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