Welcome to this weird couple of weeks! Hopefully everything will be back to normal in April!!
Thank you so much for making the effort to come pick up packets. Most things in them should be self explanatory, but here's the rundown, just in case!
The Monday/Wednesday/Friday group is looking at Mo Willems! In your packet, you have some cookies to cut out to practice your cutting skills, and cookies to pick up with a pigeon and duckling clothespins from the book "The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?" which is hilarious if you have it or can find it read online. You'll notice some cookies have nuts, some do not, which is a integral part of the story. You also have some paper shapes to use and make the shape of Piggie, Gerald the Elephant and the Pigeon- you may need to use some crayons, markers or pencils to add details. There is also a laminated pigeon you can take in the bath with you for a bit from the book "The Pigeon needs a Bath!" There is a tutorial and some blank paper to try your hand at drawing the Pigeon and some Piggie and Elephant playdoh to try and scuplt your friends, Gerald and Piggie!

The Tuesday/Thursday group has a lot of shape activities to go with Lois Ehlert's use of shapes and cut paper for her illustrations. There is a sheet of laminated shapes to use wax sticks with to make the shape, a bag of shapes to sort, some larger shapes for water play and some pieces of construction paper to make into animals from Lois Ehlert's books "Color Zoo" and "Color Farm". We were going to sponge paint with shapes, but I couldn't really figure out how to send that home.
Both groups received the story of Zaccheus. We are getting closer to the stories that will take us to the cross and resurrection. This story takes place in Jericho where a tax collector named Zaccheus lived. Zaccheus was interested in Jesus, he had heard about Matthew, a disciple of Jesus, who had been a tax collector. No one liked tax collectors, they were seen as traitors to their people, collecting money for the occupying Romans. Many of them were dishonest and collected more than the government required and pocketed the difference. Pretty friendless, except for other tax collectors. Zaccheus was also short! He wanted to see Jesus, but couldn't because of the large crowd gathered around him. So he hurried down the street until he came to a sycamore tree he could climb. He climbed up and saw Jesus! When Jesus reached the tree, he stopped, looked up and addressed Zaccheus, much to Zaccheus' surprise. Jesus invited himself over to Zaccheus' house. When Zaccheus heard that Jesus wanted to stay with him, he hurried down the tree. Many people began to grumble and complain, didn't Jesus know what kind of person Zaccheus was. Zaccheus was thrilled that Jesus chose to befriend him, he promised to give half of his possessions to the poor and if he had cheated anyone, he would pay them back four times the amount he had taken. How quickly the Holy Spirit made a difference in his life! How often are we and I include myself, tempted to judge someone based on their life or occupation! Jesus loves and died for all!! I have often heard the thought that before Zaccheus was even born, God made sure a sycamore tree was planted and grew just where he would need it to see Jesus! Even with everything going on in the world right now, we don't know how God will use it to help someone see Jesus, but we know he will!! Maybe it's us and our actions and love for our neighbor or something we are willing to give up to help someone else. God has a plan! So stay healthy and safe, don't worry, love each other (which I know will be difficult at times) and trust that God holds us in the palm of His hand!
See you Wednesday for storytime at 10am at Mies Park or see you Monday, March 30 from 11am-3pm or Tuesday, March 31 from 8:30-11:30 to pick up packets for that next week!
Mrs. Schneck
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