This week we are listening for the letter Kk and learning about Australia and the animals that live there.
Table activities include pocket play, water play with a foam topographic map of Australia and sea shells, kangaroo cookie cutter painting, decorating boomerangs, Australia coloring pages, playing with Australian animals, and Australian stickers.
Small group activities include painting a kangaroo in the Aboriginal style, rock art and adding a Kk for kangaroo page to our journal.
The KDI for the week is geography- Children recognize and interpret features and locations in their environment. We are looking at Australia, surrounded by oceans, with a desert, grasslands and rainforest. We look at the big rock of Uluru and the coral like that in the Great Barrier Reef. We are surrounded by water in Michigan too!
Jesus Time- This week we hear another parable Jesus told to help his disciples understand God's great love for us. It is part of a series of parables that Jesus told about lost things. The first story was about a lost coin and how the woman swept the house from wall to wall until she found that coin. Then the story about the lost sheep, how the shepherd had 99 of his sheep, but one was missing, so he left the 99 and looked until he found the one and carried it home on his shoulders. Then the story of the lost son. A wealthy man had two sons. When he died, the inheritance would be split between his two sons. His older son was faithful, liked working with and for his father, content to be in the country, helping on the estate. The younger son was not content. He wanted to move to the city where life was more exciting. He brashly asked his father for his share of the inheritance now, he didn't want to wait until his father died. The younger son took his share of money and went to the city and spent it on riotus living, until it was gone. The realization of what he had done finally came over him and he was too ashamed to return home. Starving, ragged and penniless, he took a job feeding pigs to keep body and soul together. When the food he was feeding the pigs looked good enough for him to eat, he swallowed his pride and began his journey home, hoping his father would at least let him be a servant on the estate. Meanwhile, the father mourned his lost son and hoped every day that he would return. He constantly scanned the road, hoping to see the figure of his son returning home. One day, it happened! The man walking down the road was filthy and dressed in rags, but the father recognized it as the walk of his son! He ran down the road to meet him! The son, ashamed, fell to his knees, ready to beg his father to hire him on as a servant, never dreaming that he could be restored to be his son. The father lifted him to his feet, placed his ring on his finger and placed a cloak about him. He then instructed his servants to prepare the fattened calf for a celebration! The son he thought was dead, was alive! Time to party!! The older son was jealous, why had he never gotten a party? He was faithfully working with his father the whole time! The father reassured him of his love and told him he would have just had to ask and he would have given him anything he wanted, but he wanted him to rejoice because the one they thought was dead was alive and the lost was found!! God loves us so incredibly much! There is nothing we can do that he won't bring us back from! WE were lost and now we are found!
Books of the week - "Marsupial Sue" by John Lithgow, "Animals in the Wild- Koala" by Vincent Serventy, "Over in Australia" by Marianne Berkes.
Next Tuesday we have a field trip to the Westland Library! It is free, just let me know if you are coming. We will meet there at 10am!
Have a beaut of a week!!
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