This week we are talking about eggs and the letter Ee.
Table activities include balancing egg shells on popsicle sticks, playing with plastic eggs and playdoh, matching eggs, painting egg shapes, painting with eggs, making egg patterns and peeling hard boiled eggs.
Small group activities include egg explore- we crack an egg and see the different parts, decorate a fake egg and add Ee is for egg page in our journals.
The KDI for the week is Observing:Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.- We eat eggs, we know chicks come from eggs. Who lays the eggs we eat? What are the parts of an egg? We'll take a closer look at eggs this week.
Jesus Time- This week we hear about another miracle, but the focus is on those who were healed and not Jesus. Leprosy was a horrible disease, even not that long ago, you were ostracized and separated if you had this disease. In Jesus' day, it meant leaving your life behind and moving to a leper colony, never to touch or hug your spouse or children again. Ten men at a leper colony had heard about Jesus and they found hope again. They approached Jesus from a distance, calling out to him to have mercy on them and heal them. He instructed them to go show themselves to the priest (he could announce that they were clean again). As they went, they noticed that they were healed. One man stopped and turned around and ran back to Jesus to say thank you. When he thanked Jesus, Jesus said, your faith has made you whole. And he asked, "Weren't there ten men I healed? Where are the other nine?" Only one came back to say thank you. How often do we thank God for all the mercies he shows us everyday? Say thank you today, because you are blessed with some amazing children!
Books for the week- "An Egg is Quiet" by Dianna Hutts Aston, "Chickens Aren't the Only Ones" by Ruth Heller and "egg" by Kevin Henkes.
If you are hearing the strains of "Mary had a little lamb" from your preschooler, it is because we are preparing for our preschool/kindergarten musical which will take place on Thursday, April 16th. More information to follow!
Have a super week!!
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