Okay, maybe it was my fault it snowed on Monday! I planned to talk about and play with snow this week and if we didn't have any on the ground, I would have gone to the ice rinks and picked up the zamboni shavings, so maybe my wish for ease of snow access was granted! Sorry!!
This week we are playing with snow and listening for the sound of Ss.
Our table activities include making snow flakes with cotton balls and Qtips on sticky paper, painting snow inside, playing with pretend snow made of baking soda and hair conditioner and a snow flake tinker tray.
Our small group activities are painting a melted snowman with puffy paint made of shaving cream and glue and making a name snowman.
KDIs of the week are-
Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language.- Ss sound and Ww sound, we'll be looking and listening for letters and sounds more as the year progresses.
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - Talking about snow and how it forms. Six sided snowflakes, no two exactly the same.
Jesus Time- This week we see Jesus call his first disciples after he gives them a huge catch of fish. Jesus is preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and when the crowds are pressing in on him, he asks some of the fishermen cleaning their nets if they could take him out to speak to the crowds in their boat. They do so. When he is finished speaking, he tells them to let their nets down. They reply that they hadn't caught a thing all night, and now is not the time to fish. He insists. When they let their nets down, they catch so many fish, their boat begins to sink. They call for help from their fellow fishermen, and they have two boats filled with fish. When they return to shore and and get the fish out of their boats, Jesus asks them if they'd like to be fishers of men instead of fish. They agree, so Peter, Andrew, James and John, fishermen of Capernaum, become Jesus disciples.
Our next field trip is on Thursday, February 22nd. We are going to the Belle Isle Aquarium at 9:30. There is no school the Tuesday before that, we have teacher's conference. So attendance slips for that will go home next week. The cost is just a dollar.
Have a safe and healthy week!
Mrs. Schneck
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