Table activities are jungle play box with grass, bark, rocks and jungle animals, jungle play dough, jungle prints and jungle animal play.
In small group we are making rain sticks and putting our first letter in our journals, Jj is for jungle.
Our KDIs this week are-
Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world- How can we use what we have to make what we want to make?
Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds. - We have talked about letters and sounds before, but this week we are taking it one more step.
Jesus time- This week we see how Jesus grows up too. When Jesus was 12 years old, he accompanied his parents to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festival. No doubt they traveled with friends and family. When the festival was over and they were returning to Nazareth, Jesus wasn't among their friends. Mary and Joseph were worried, where could he be? They retraced their steps and looked for him for three days in Jerusalem. They found him in the temple talking to the teachers and answering and asking questions. They were amazed at his wisdom. Mary and Joseph were upset, they told Jesus how worried they were. He replied that he was where he needed to be, doing His Father's work! He returned home with them to Nazareth. Jesus never had to wonder what he would be when He grew up. He was our Savior his whole life, he never sinned, he did what he needed to do right from the moment he was conceived. It was a life He chose to live so He could save us! May our children grow closer to Jesus as they grow!
Books of the week are- "Welcome to the Green House" by Jane Yolen, "Verdi" by Janell Cannon and "The Umbrella" by Jan Brett.
Next week Wednesday we have a field trip to the Westland Library that is located at 6123 Central City Pkwy, Westland, MI. We will be meeting there from 10-11 am. The librarian will talk about how to treat books, read books to us and share what programs the library has to offer! An attendance note will go home on Thursday to return next Tuesday to give us an estimation of how many will come! Hope to see you there!
Have a great week!
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