This week's theme is Growing Up. What do we want to be when we grow up?
Table activities involve a lot of dramatic play- on Monday, you could pretend to be a doctor or veterinarian or a construction worker, on Wednesday you can pretend to work in a restaurant or store or be an artist, on Friday you can pretend to be a police or firefighter or work in a flower shop.
Small group activities include making a full sized picture of yourself into what you want to be when you grow up, placing a picture of yourself in the place you'd like to work and adding a "When I grow up, I want to be..." picture to our journals.
Here is a photo of what we wanted to be, at least for today!!
(The first words are what they planned to play with, the second is what they want to be when they grow up)
KDIs of the week-
Cooperative play: Children engage in cooperative play. - Children take on different roles and work together as they pretend.
Pretend play: Children express and represent what they
observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play. - We are doing a lot of that this week, they do what they think each profession does.
Community roles: Children recognize that people have
different roles and functions in the community. -They can see how each role interacts with each other, too!
Jesus time- This week we see how Jesus grows up too. When Jesus was 12 years old, he accompanied his parents to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festival. No doubt they traveled with friends and family. When the festival was over and they were returning to Nazareth, Jesus wasn't among their friends. Mary and Joseph were worried, where could he be? They retraced their steps and looked for him for three days in Jerusalem. They found him in the temple talking to the teachers and answering and asking questions. They were amazed at his wisdom. Mary and Joseph were upset, they told Jesus how worried they were. He replied that he was where he needed to be, doing His Father's work! He returned home with them to Nazareth. Jesus never had to wonder what he would be when He grew up. He was our Savior his whole life, he never sinned, he did what he needed to do right from the moment he was conceived. It was a life He chose to live so He could save us! May our children grow closer to Jesus as they grow!
Books of the week- We are reading from the "I Want to Be"series from Sesame Street about wanting to be a pilot, teacher, doctor and fire fighter.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck
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