This week we are playing with water! And we are looking at and listening for the Ww sound and letter.
Table activities- Water tubs with boats and balls, painting and play with colored water and pipettes, watercolor painting.
Small group activities- We drew pictures with markers and then used spray bottles to spray water on them so it looked like they were rained on. We'll do some other water experiments on Thursday.
KDIs of the week-
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas. - We tried different colors, large and small water blobs, we'll do more experimenting with water on Thursday.
Predicting: Children predict what they expect will happen. - Simple scientific question. What do you think will happen if you do...?
Jesus Time- In this week's story we see Jesus at the wedding of a friend. It was the custom in those days to have a wedding celebration that lasted longer than a day, more like a week. Usually the best wine was served first, but enough food and wine was purchased to feed everyone for the entire time. They had run out of wine at this wedding and Jesus' mother let him know what had happened. He told her that it wasn't quite time yet. She told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Jesus quietly called the servants to him and told them to fill the jugs up with water. He then told them to take a cup of it to the master of the feast. When they did, the master said, "Why did you save the best wine until the end of the feast?" Jesus had turned the water into wine. He didn't want the servants to tell anyone what had happened. Every miracle that Jesus did, he did out of love for others, never to show how great he was! He raised Jairus' daughter from the dead and told them not to tell anyone, he calmed the storm to calm his disciples, he helped them catch a good deal of fish, all out of humble service to others! As we get to know this Savior better and better, may we see his love in dealing with us all the time!
Books of the week-"Over and Under the Pond" by Kate Messner, illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal and "In the Rain With Baby Duck" by Amy Hest, illustrated by Jill Barton.
The weather is predicted to be warmer again by Thursday, so we will most likely be outside and we will most likely be wet! So if you have rubber boots and maybe even rain pants, they would be great!!
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Schneck
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