This week we are listening for the short sound of Oo and looking at the shape of Oo as we work with opposites.
Table activities include experimenting with sink or float, painting with black paint on white paper or white paint on black paper, sorting soft or hard, playing with warm and cold, empty and full, in and out, upside-down and right-side-up and matching opposites.
Small group activities include matching opposites, making a day/night plate, adding an Oo is for opposites to our journal.
The Key Development Indicator for this week is comprehension- Children understand language.- There are many different concepts children have to grasp to actually understand language. They can repeat or sound out, but until words have meaning in relation to one another, they can't understand. Synonyms and antonyms build connections between words to build better understanding.
Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of Jonah. Jonah was a prophet who God gave the job of preaching to the people of Ninevah. This was the capitol city of Israel's enemy Assyria. Jonah didn't want the job. In fact, he got on a boat going in the opposite direction of Ninevah. Emotionally and physically and spiritually exhausted from running away from God, he went below deck and fell asleep. A violent storm quickly came up! The sailors panicked, throwing cargo overboard, fastening the sails, anything to keep the ship from sinking. They were sure that someone had angered the god of the sea. Which one of them was it? They woke Jonah and brought him on deck to draw straws to see whose fault this storm was. Jonah drew the short straw! He admitted to running from God and his will and instructed the sailors to throw him overboard. They were very reluctant to do it, but they finally did. A huge fish came up from the deep and swallowed Jonah and the sea calmed. Jonah lived in the belly of the huge fish for three days. He was finally spit out on dry land and after three days of prayerful repentance, went on to preach at Ninevah and the whole city repented and was saved. Jonah went on to show his dissatisfaction with God's will later, but we leave the story here.
Books of the week- "Dinosaur Roar" by Henrietta and Paul Stickland, "Opposites" by Eric Carle, "Big Bear, Small Mouse" by Karma Wilson and "Marta! Big and Small" by Jennifer Dussling.
Just a reminder to pack snowpants, boots, mittens, hats and slippers if you haven't yet! Winter surprised us, but now it's here!
Have fun and read every day!!
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