This week we are listening for the sound of Ff and studying fish!
Friday is our field trip to Belle Isle Aquarium and Conservatory! Let me know if you are coming! They have sea horses, stingrays, clown fish like Nemo! It's lots of fun to take our time and look around!
Table activities include making foil fish, creating a playdough rainbow fish, catching fish with a net and cleaning up the oceans activities.
Small group activities include designing a fish bowl and observing fish and their body parts.
The KDI for the week is-
Ecology: Children understand the importance of taking care of their environment.- One of our read-alouds this week is called "Oil Spill". It talks about what happens to animals and plants and our oceans after there is an oil spill. One of our table activities will have students look for garbage to pick out of the see and sponges to clean up a pretend 'oil spill'. God created this world for us to take care of, we should be good stewards of His gift!
Jesus Time- This week we hear about a brave, young girl. We have skipped ahead again and now we are at the point in Israel's history when the nation has been invaded and foreign troops have carried off people to be slaves. This young girl was taken from her home and was a slave in the home of a foreign general named Naaman. Naaman was renowned for his skill and strategy in battle. Somewhere along the way, Naaman had contracted the disease leprosy. In those days, there was no cure. Naaman was destined to live his remaining life in a leper colony, away from family and friends and no longer a national hero. When the young girl who was a slave in his household heard this, she suggested to his wife that he should go see the prophet in Israel, Elisha. Naaman's king was willing to pay whatever the cost to have his star general healed. Israel's king was scared when they entered the country and order Elisha to see him right away. Elisha sent his servant to tell Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan River. Naaman was insulted! First Elisha himself didn't come out to see him, then he told him to wash in the muddy, dirty Jordan, when they had sparkling clean rivers at home! He refused to do what he had been asked. His fellow soldiers and company encouraged him to do what he was told. Wouldn't he do what he was asked if it was a difficult task? Naaman finally relented. He washed seven times in the Jordan and when he emerged the seventh time, his skin was as fresh and clean as a baby's. Naaman proclaimed, "Now I know that there is no god except for the God of Israel." Because of her bravery, God's power was seen by many people and the leaders of a foreign nation praised the one, true God.
Books of the week- "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister, "Swimmy" by Leo Lionni and "Oil Spill" by Melvin Berger.
As the snow flies- a reminder to pack hat and gloves or mittens and bring a pair of slippers to change into so clunky boots don't step on fingers or track in slush!
Have a fantastic week!
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