Table activities include painting with cotton balls, playing with balls, balancing balls, playing games with balls like bowling or ping pong paddle games and playing with pretend spaghetti and meatballs.
Small group activities include making a ball out of model magic, making a gumball machine and adding Bb is for ball to our journals.
The KDI for the week is-
Gross Motor Skills: Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance and timing in using their large muscles. - We are also learning how to catch and throw balls and bounce balls. Timing things just right is a challenge!
Jesus Time-
This week we have the story of David and Goliath. Israel had chosen to have a king rule over them, just like the countries around them. Saul was chosen to be the first king, but he did not follow God's Word. Samuel anointed a young boy named David to be the next king. David was a shepherd, the youngest son of a man named Jesse. David's older brothers were part of Saul's army against the Philistines. When David went to deliver food to them, he saw the Philistine's champion, Goliath, come out and humiliate the Israelites, daring them to fight him and mocking the one, true God. David was astonished that no one was willing to stand up to Goliath. He decided that he would do it! God was on his side, how could he lose? King Saul tried to get him to wear his armor for protection, but it was so heavy, David could not even move in it. He decided to take care of Goliath the shepherd's way, with a staff and a sling. David chose five smooth stones from a nearby stream. He went to meet Goliath, sling in one hand, staff in the other. Goliath made fun of him, but David kept moving forward. David declared that he was coming against Goliath in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel! David placed a stone in the sling and swung and let go! The stone met it's mark, right in the center of Goliath's head and he was dead. God gave David the victory! Even though we feel small, God still fights for us!
Books of the week are "Press Here" by Herve' Tullet, "A Ball for Daisy" by Chris Raschka and "Froggy Plays Soccer" by Jonathan London.
Next Friday, November 15th, is our field trip to Belle Isle Aquarium and Conservatory. Information about that trip will be coming home this week. It is a free trip because we are going on public days. They are fun places to visit, along with the rest of Belle Isle!
Have a super week!
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