This week we are learning about zoos and the letter Zz.
Table activities include making block cages for our zoo animals, zoo animal cookie cutter prints, zoo animal pattern blocks and playing with animals in their habitats.
Small group activities are zoo animal memory and painting our favorite animal.
This week we are going to the zoo on Wednesday! Hope for great weather! We'll meet in the watertower parking lot if you are not a member, just inside the gates if you are a member. We'll each be given a zoo scavenger hunt and map and go and find at your own pace.
KDIs of the week-
Problem solving: Children solve problems encountered in play.- Children work to find a way to build cages, include and sort animals by which ones would get along, sharing space and animals with each other.
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.- Seeing each animal in their habitat and their behavior is great learning!
Jesus Time- This week we will hear another parable. We will hear about the runaway son. Jesus tells the story of a young man who was eager to leave his father's house and do things his own way. His older brother stays and helps at home, while he asks for his inheritance early. He takes his money and squanders it on poor choices. Finally he runs out of money and gets a job feeding pigs. He is destitute. He realizes even the servants at his father's estate have it better than he does at that moment. He feels he is no longer worthy to be called a son, but maybe his father will take him back as a servant. He humbly heads home. When his father sees him trudging down the road, he runs to meet him and embraces him in love! He rejoices that he is home and even has a celebration for him. The older son is understandably jealous, he never left. The father explains why he is rejoicing and encourages him to rejoice to, because what was lost is now found. This is how our Father in heaven rejoices when a lost sinner is brought to faith!
Books for the week- "When We Went to the Zoo" by Jan Ormerod, "Put Me in the Zoo" by Robert Lopshire, "Goodnight Gorilla" by Peggy Rathman and "Inside a Zoo in the City" by Alyssa Satin Capucilli.
See you at the zoo Wednesday!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck
See you at the zoo Wednesday!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck
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