This week we are listening for the initial sound of Yy and playing with yarn.
Table activities include a yarn cutting bin, painting with yarn, wrapping sticks with yarn and making sticky numbers with yarn.
Small group this week is process art- today we dipped yarn in glue and glued it to card stock trying to spread it out, on Thursday we will use watercolor paints to paint in between the spaces we left empty.
KDIs for the week are-
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles.-Lots of skills at work this week, scissors, wrapping, painting, picking up a single strand of yarn.
Appreciating the arts: Children appreciate the creative arts.- Art isn't always a picture of something, like a cat or dog or horse, sometimes it's just filling a space with color or texture.
Jesus Time-
This week we begin the stories of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday, Jesus was entering into Jerusalem to die. He knew this and went willingly. Recently, Jesus had raised his friend Lazarus from the dead, with that act, the leaders and chief priests knew they had to get rid of him fast. They plotted to have him killed soon. Jesus and disciples headed for Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. On their way, Jesus instructed several disciples to go into a town and take the foal of a donkey. He was fulfilling Old Testament prophecy by riding into Jerusalem on a foal of a donkey. They placed their coats on the donkey and Jesus road in to cheering crowds waving palm branches and shouting "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna to the Son of David!" Hosanna means 'save us'. They knew that Jesus was the Savior, they just weren't sure what kind of savior he was. The chief priests and leaders were upset that Jesus was receiving so much praise and they asked him to quiet his followers. He told them that if he asked them to be quiet, the very rocks would shout out! We know who Jesus is and we know he is the only one who can save us! Sadly, less than a week later, many of these same people would be shouting "Crucify!" May God keep us in his grace!!
Books of the week- "Extra Yarn" by Mac Barnett and "Charlie Needs a Cloak" by Tomie dePaola.

Exciting Easter for Families this Saturday, April 13th from 9-10:30- come use this time to focus on Easter's true meaning and enjoy an Easter egg hunt! Fun for everyone!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck
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