This week we are incorporating the concept of hide and seek in our activities. The class has been very interested in hiding and seeking each other and things of late, so we based this week on their interests.
Table activities include finding hidden objects, looking for items hidden in a ziploc bag full of rice, looking for hidden number bears and hidden picture worksheets and books.
Small group did their first hidden picture page together today, we will also look for a camouflaged chameleon that we take turns hiding.
KDIs for the week are-
Engagement: Children focus on activities that interest them- We are focusing on interests all together.
Community: Children participate in the community of the classroom- We are all working together, taking turns, playing roles as the hider and the seeker.
Jesus Time- This week we hear about Jesus rising from the dead. Jesus had been placed in a borrowed tomb, like a cave, on Good Friday. The women did not have time to properly prepare his body for burial, so they planned to return on Sunday morning, after the Saturday sabbath.
Jesus' enemies were concerned that the disciples might try to steal Jesus' body from the tomb and say he was alive, so they asked Pilate to place guards at the tomb to prevent that from happening. Early in the morning on Sunday, an angel appeared like lightning at the tomb. The guards were so frightened, they fainted and then ran away. When the women came towards the tomb, they remembered the large stone and wondered who would help roll it away for them. As they drew nearer, they saw the stone had already been rolled away. One woman, Mary Magdalene, thought Jesus' body had been stolen and was inconsolable. The other women continued on to the tomb where they also saw an angel who asked why they were looking for the living among the dead. "He is not here, he is risen!" is what the angel said. Meanwhile, Mary finds who she thinks is the gardener and asks him if he knows where they put Jesus' body. The man says, "Mary", she lifts her head and realizes it is Jesus! He is alive!!
Books for the week are "The Runaway Bunny" by Margaret Wise Brown, "How to Hide an Octopus" by Ruth Heller and "Little Quack's Hide and Seek" by Lauren Thompson.
For those in the Tuesday/Thursday class who are moving on to kindergarten, we will be having a taste of kindergarten starting this Thursday. Even if they aren't attending Peace, it will give them an idea of what kindergarten may be like. If for any reason you do not want your child to attend, please email me privately.
Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck
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