This week the 3 year olds are playing with yarn and listening and looking for and making the sound of Yy.
Table activities are cutting yarn, painting with yarn, wrapping sticks with yarn and stringing beads on yarn.
Small group activities are sewing with yarn and cutting and gluing yarn on a big Y.
KDIs of the week are-
Sense of competence: Children feel they are competent.- From using scissors to open snack packages, putting on boots and coats themselves, they are learning to master their world!
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles. - sewing, cutting, gluing-a lot of little work this week.
Jesus Time-
This week we see Jesus come out to his disciples while they are taking a boat across the Sea of Galilee.
Jesus had just finished feeding more than 5000 people with two fish and five loaves and people wanted to make him King so they would never have to find food again, not because he would save them from their sins! Jesus sought solitude. He went off by himself to pray and told the disciples he would meet them on the other side of the Sea of Galilee.
As the disciples were crossing the sea, a storm blew up and during the storm, a figure began to walk across the water to them. They thought it was a ghost! But Jesus called out to them who he was. Peter called back, "If it really is you, call me out to walk across the water to you." Jesus said, "Come!" Peter began to walk across the water, keeping his eyes on Jesus. Then a huge wave came and Peter took his eyes off his Lord and he began to sink. He cried out for help and Jesus saved him. Jesus reminded Peter that if he would have kept his eyes on Jesus, he wouldn't have started to drown. Jesus got into the boat and the seas calmed.
How often do we do just that, we take our eyes off Jesus and the storms and cares of this life start to pull us down and drown us in worries, anxiety, anger, you name it! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, he is there for you! And if you do glance away, call out for him and he will rescue you!
Books of the week- "Extra Yarn" by Mac Barnett, "the dot" by Peter Reynolds and "Edward Gets Messy" by Rita Meade.
The permission slip for the Michigan Science Center and Scholastic book orders were available today.
Have a super week!!
Mrs. Schneck
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