Even though it is a short week, we still filled today with fun experiments!
Table activities were mixing oil and water, a marble track and some sensory bottles.
Our small group activity today was "The Humpty Dumpty" experiment. We took hard boiled eggs and each student chose a substance to put in a ziploc baggie, we then added Humpty and predicted whether he would break or not. Then we dropped him to see if our guesses came true. We had bags filled with playdough and jingle bells, pompoms and foam balls, duplo people and feathers and rocks! We had fun experimenting!
Our KDIs for the week are-
Observing: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events.
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas.
Predicting: Children predict what they expect will happen.
Jesus Time- This week we hear about the ten lepers that Jesus healed. Leprosy was a horrible disease in ancient times. There was no cure, you had to leave your family and friends for the rest of your life so they wouldn't catch the disease. You lost your ability to provide for your family. It was horrible. Ten lepers had heard the stories of Jesus of Nazareth healing people and they thought it was worth the chance to ask to be healed. They came upon Jesus and his disciples walking along the road and called out to him, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us!" Jesus told them to go show themselves to the priest, that way they could be made clean. As they walked toward the priests, they were healed. Only one man turned around and ran back, fell at Jesus feet and thanked Jesus for healing him. Jesus asked, "Weren't ten men healed? Where are the other nine?" Jesus told the man his faith had made him whole.
How often aren't we like those nine men, so busy to be on our way that we forget to thank Jesus for all the little miracles he gives us every day. Thank you Lord for this fine day, right where we are!
Our books for this week are "Ada Twist, Scientist" by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts and "What is a Scientist?" by Barbara Lehn.
Field trip to the Michigan Science Center on Thursday. Book order due Friday.
Also, Saturday, March 24th we are having Easter for Families! This is a family Easter event- we are having storytelling, songs, games, a craft and a snack- all for free. It will run from 9:30-11:30am. Tell your friends! A flyer will be sent home next Tuesday!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck
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