We are headed north in our theme this week! To Alaska!
Table activities are an Arctic sensory bin, coloring and adding fur trim to an Inuit coloring page, Alaska coloring pages, stacking to make totem poles.
Small group activities are making a process art polar bear and making the Northern Lights with chalk.
Our KDIs for the week are-
Geography: Children recognize and interpret features and locations in their environment.- We look at different animals in different places. Alaska is still part of the United States, our country, but it is far away and very different.
Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world. - Sometimes children take the table activities they are offered and turn them into something totally different. That is great!! They are using their creativity and imagination!
Jesus Time- This week we are hearing about Jesus feeding more than 5000 people with two fish and five small loaves of bread. Jesus had been teaching and healing a large crowd of people as they walked along following him. When mealtime came, they were far from home or towns. The disciples told Jesus to send them all home and Jesus instructed his disciples to find food for all the people. The disciples protested, saying it would take more than a year's wages to feed all these people, besides there was no where to buy that much food. One disciple found a young boy with a lunch of two fish and five loaves. He instructed the disciples to get the people seated and he took the lunch, thanked God for it and began to break it into pieces and give it to the disciples to pass out. Everyone ate until they were full. Then Jesus instructed his disciples to pick up the leftovers. They came back with 12 baskets full of leftovers! Unfortunately, this made many of the people want to make Jesus their king because they'd never have to cook or buy food again. That wasn't why Jesus came. He came to give us spiritual life!
Books of the week are "The Itchy Little Musk Ox" by Tricia Brown, "Have We Met?" by Gina Edwards and "Alaska's Three Bears" by Shannon Cartwright.
Have a super week!
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