This week at preschool we are learning all about reptiles and looking and listening for the letter Rr.
Table activities this week include snakes in slime, making a pipe cleaner pattern snake, alligators in a bubbling swamp, lots of reptiles pictures to look at and models to play with, reptiles and playdough and reptile coloring cards.
Small group activites include making a turtle with a mosaic shell, a paper plate snake and adding an Rr is for reptile page to our journal.
Our KDI for the week is-
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events. Children are being introduced to the idea of what makes something fit into a particular group- What makes an animal a reptile? Is a kangaroo a reptile? Does it have scales, lay leathery eggs? Shed it's skin? We are using this a jumping board to classifying.
Jesus Time- This week we are learning about Moses and Pharaoh and God using the plagues to set his people free from slavery in Egypt. After Moses grew older, God called him into service to help lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelites leave. Moses warned him that God would send plagues to make Pharaoh glad to see them go. God did send 10 plagues- changing water to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, sickness in animals, sores on people, hail, locust, darkness and finally the death of the firstborn. Pharaoh finally let the Israelites go after his own son died. We were slaves too, to sin, death and the devil, but God set us free also. Not by taking our firstborn, but by giving His firstborn and only Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins!
Books of the week- "Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile" by Bernard Waber, "Verdi" by Janell Cannon and "The Crazy, Mixed-Up Chameleon" by Eric Carle.
Have a super week!
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