This week we are learning and listening for the letter Ii along with playing pretend with ice cream!
Morning activities include dramatic play ice cream shop, cotton ball ice cream, and ice cream playdough.
Small group activities are making ice cream and counting ice cream scoops.
Our KDI for the week is
43. Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play. The children are enjoying taking orders are making "ice cream" as they run the shop. They are learning how to assume different roles as not everyone can make ice cream at once. Someone needs to be a customer, work the cash register, work in the kitchen, etc.
Jesus Time- This week we skip ahead about 41 years. The Israelites who were led out of Egypt by Moses have had adventures in the wilderness as they head toward their ancestral home. Canaan is the land God gave to Jacob and Abraham and Isaac, the land He wanted for His people. They were ready to go in and take it back. Moses has died and Joshua is the new leader. They are planning on conquering the city of Jericho. It is heavily fortified with a huge wall surrounding it. The people of Jericho know something is going on because thousands of people are camping right outside their walls. God gives the instructions for taking the city.- The people of Israel are to walk around the city once each day for 6 days, then on the 7th day, they are to walk around the city 7 times, then blow their horns and shout and the walls will fall down. The Israelites did just that and the walls fell down! God gave Jericho into the Israelites' hands.
Books for the week- "Gorilla Likes Vanilla" by Chae Strathie, "Groovy Joe: Ice Cream and Dinosaurs" by Eric Litwin and "Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream Shop" by Allan J. Shallek.
Cold and flu season are upon us!! And I know little ones are going to get sick. If they do, please just send me a quick text at 907-230-6715 or email me at dschneck@atpeacewithgod.org- Teachers worry too and we just want to make sure everyone's okay!
This Thursday evening and Friday morning are Parent-Teachers conferences- you may certainly make an appointment at https://ptcfast.com/schools/Peace_Lutheran. Because of the conferences, there is no school this Friday.
If you are not able to come during the available times, but would like to have a conference, just email or talk to me and we will set up a different time!
Saturday is Trunk or Treat from 10-11:30 in the Peace Parking Lot- We would love to have you there!! Lots of candy, hot cocoa and popcorn and fun!! Invite friends and family!
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Schneck
Ava had a blast she even wants us to buy her an ice cream maker lol thank you