Pumpkins and the letter Pp are our themes this week!
Morning activities include picking pumpkins and putting them in a pail, pumpkin playdough, pounding golf tees into pumpkins, making bead pumpkins, dot painting pumpkins and balancing pumpkins.
Small group activities include pumpkin exploration-describing the inside and outside, counting lines and counting seeds, decorating a little pumpkin and adding Pp to our journal.
Our KDI for the week is- Communicating ideas: Children communicate their ideas about the characteristics of things and how they work.- How does a pumpkin look, feel, smell and sound? Describing items for them to pinpoint where they are and what they are.
Jesus Time- Today we heard the story of Hannah and Samuel. Hannah longed for a child, she and her husband had no children of their own. On their annual trip to the tabernacle, Hannah prayed, sobbing, in words and sounds that could not be understood. Eli, the priest, asked her what was going on. She told him the desire of her heart. He comforted her with the knowledge that she would have a child later that year. Hannah pledged that son, Samuel, to the Lord's service. When he was 5 years old, she brought him back to the tabernacle and gave him over to be a servant in the Lord's house. Each year she brought him a new coat and visited him, but he was the Lord's servant now. When he was older, God made it clear that he would be taking Eli's place and he was the last judge to bring God's Word to the people of Israel. God answered Hannah's prayer and she trusted him with that answer. We ask God to hear our prayers too and know with confidence, he does!
We are wearing costumes on Wednesday and Thursday of this week!
Books of the week- "Pumpkin Heads" by Wendell Minor, "The Pumpkin Patch by Elizabeth King and "The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat" by Stan and Jan Berenstain.
Have a happy Halloween week!