This week we are listening to the sound of Tt and using tools!
Morning activities are using hammers to pound golf tees into styrofoam, playing with tools and playdoh, using our tools to build, tracing tools, using little fingers for nuts and bolts and some tool coloring pages.
Small group activities are using a paper bag to make a face and then using our tools, scissors to give the face some hair. We learned a chant today to help us use scissors the correct way, " Two fingers on the bottom and the thumb on top, we open up the mouth and go chomp, chomp, chomp." Keeping that thumb on the top helps us control our scissors. We also emphasized that we only cut paper, nothing else! We will use a screw driver and a wrench, and make an entry into our journal with Tt is for tool.
KDI for the week is-
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles. - We are really working these this week! From scissors to threading a nut on a bolt to twisting a screwdriver. Little fingers at work!
Jesus Time- This week we are learning about Abraham's grandsons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob and Esau were twins. Esau was the older twin and was supposed to get the greater blessing when their father, Isaac, died. However, God had made it known that Jacob would get the greater blessing. Isaac was growing older and was blind and knew that he would shortly die, so he called Esau to him and instructed him to go and hunt and bring him a spicy stew that he loved. Then, Isaac would give Esau his blessing. Isaac's wife Rebekah overheard this conversation. She knew that Jacob should receive the blessing and Jacob was her favorite. So she planned to trick Isaac. She sent Jacob to kill one of his sheep and bring it to her. She cooked it so it tasted like the spicy stew, had Jacob put on Esau's clothes and took the skin from the sheep and put it on Jacob's arms and neck because Esau was much hairier that Jacob. He went in, pretending to be Esau and took his father's blessing. When Esau returned and found out what Jacob had done, he was furious. Jacob packed up his things and ran for his life, heading for his Uncle Laban's home. When he stopped for the night, his thoughts were in turmoil. Using a stone for a pillow, he finally fell asleep. God gave him a dream of angels going up and down a staircase and he heard God's voice saying he would be blessed. God is with us, even if we do wrong. He loves us and won't give up on us!
Books of the week - "This is the House that Jack Built" by Simms Taback, "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig" by Eugene Trivizas and Helen Oxenbury, "Builders and Breakers" by Steve Light and we identified the tools in The Builder's Tool Kit by priddy books.
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