This week at preschool we are playing with superheroes, discovering our super senses and listening for the sound of letter Ss.
Table activities include Hulk slime, making masks, superhero puzzles and patterns, superhero playdough mats, city scapes and stickers.
Small group activity include using our hearing to pick out a container that sounds the same, smelling a cotton ball to see if it smells the same, tasting salty, sweet, spicy and sour, and feeling what is inside a bag without looking at it and using our sense of touch to guess what it is.
KDI of the week is-
Observing: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.- We are learning how we observe the world around us, through our senses. Taking our time to look, listen, touch, smell and taste.
Jesus Time- This week we are learning about the flood. After creation, Adam and Eve disobeyed God by taking fruit from a tree that God told them not to. They left the garden and began living in the rest of the world. After some time, people strayed farther and farther from God and his will for their lives until only a man named Noah and his family were the only believers left. At this time, God told Noah to build a large boat called an ark where he would cause at least two of every animal to come to Noah and his family. They brought aboard food and make places for themselves and all the animals to stay. Then it started to rain. There had never been rain before! It rained for 40 days and nights until the entire earth was covered with water. Every living thing drowned except Noah and his family. They spent many days on the ark. Finally the ark came to rest on the top of a mountain and Noah and his family left the ark. Noah built an altar to thank God for saving them. Then God put a rainbow in the sky to be a symbol of the promise never to destroy the earth with water again.
Books of the week- "I Hear a Pickle" by Rachel Isadora, "Good Morning Superman" and "Goodnight Supergirl" by Michael Dahl and "Even Superheroes Make Mistakes" by Shelly Becker.
Next week is our Plymouth Orchard field trip on Wednesday, September 11th! We look forward to seeing you all there!
Have a super week!
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