Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Blog for May 23 and 25

We are rockin' it on this second to last week of preschool!!

Table activities are painting rocks, looking at some special rocks with magnifying glasses, testing rock hardness and playing with rocks and playdough.

Some KDIs we are looking at this week are-

Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events.- We can sort rocks.

Number words and symbols: Children recognize and use number words and symbols.
Counting: Children count things - We counted rocks today, matching the number symbol with an actual quantity, we looked at what number was bigger/smaller, fewest/most, least/most and more or less.

Jesus Time- Our story this week is about Philip and the Ethiopian. Philip was one of Jesus' disciples and was there when Jesus gave the command to go and tell all nations. He was there on Pentecost to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. He was also given another gift and unique experience. He was directed to go to a certain road by an angel. There he saw a man from Ethiopia reading the book Isaiah. He asked the man if he understood what he read, he said how can I understand unless someone explains it to me? So Philip rode with the man and explained what he was reading and connected the prophecies in the book of Isaiah with their fulfillment in Jesus. The Ethiopian believed and desired to be baptized. So, he and Philip went to water alongside the road and he was baptized. At that moment Philip was wisked away to spread the good news elsewhere.
There are still Christian churches in Ethiopia today, perhaps from this man's sharing of the good news of Jesus so long ago! Go into all the world!

Books of the Week- "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble" by William Steig and "Stone Soup" retold by Heather Forest, illustrated by Susan Gaber are our stories this week.

Please RSVP for both graduation and last fun day! For graduation, we will be singing "Jesus Loves Me" with actions and having refreshments afterwards! The Fun day starts at 10am and ends at 11:30 with a picnic lunch!

Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck

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