Our caterpillars all got into their chrysalises last week and now we are waiting for them to become butterflies! Hopefully it will be warm enough when they do to set them free outside! This week we are taking a special look at butterflies!
Our table activities are making a "stained glass" butterfly with tissue paper, contact paper and black construction paper, coloring glittery butterflies and flowers, matching butterfly halves, and butterfly collage art.
Some KDIs and concepts were are talking about this week are-
Art: Children express and represent what they observe, think,
imagine, and feel through two- and three-dimensional art- Lots of artistic work this week as we look at one of God's most artistic creations!
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge
about the natural and physical world.- This week we are talking about the butterfly life cycle and the symmetry of butterflies and a lot of animals and us! We tried to show that symmetry in our butterfly painting today where we painted one half of a paper and squished it together and cut it out in the shape of a butterfly.
Jesus Time-This week we see Jesus ascend into heaven. Jesus has shown himself to his disciples, he has eaten breakfast with them on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, he provided a huge catch of fish once again. He reinstated Peter and gave him the job of feeding his lambs and sheep ( Christians) with His Word. He now meets with his disciples 40 days after Easter on a hill outside Jerusalem. He gives them the charge of making disciples of the whole world and promises never to leave them. He also tells them to go and wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit who will enable them to share the message of Jesus in ways they can't begin to imagine. Then, right before their eyes, he ascends into heaven. They stand there, watching until he is hidden by some clouds. Then two angels standing next to them ask why? The same way you have seen him go is the same way he will return someday! He is preparing a place for us! He gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit who works faith in our hearts and lets us share what we know about Jesus! Go and tell!
Books of the Week- "Here Comes Spring" by Kevin Henkes and "The Butterfly Book" by Michael Berenstain.
Next week, Nankin Mills will be visiting preschool on Wednesday, May 10th from 9:30-10:30 to share a Reptile/Amphibian Encounter! All are welcome! There is no cost for you for this presentation and we'd love to have you there! Hopefully we can even do it outside!
You should have received an invitation for Preschool Graduation today! It will take place May 31st at 6:30pm. The three year old class has been working on "Jesus Loves Me This I Know" with actions! I would love for them to celebrate with the four year olds! The actual service will probably only last 1/2 an hour with a reception afterwards! Hope to see you there!
There will be no school next Friday, May 12th. It is an all school track meet, which all teachers help out with, so pray for good weather and enjoy your day off!
Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck
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