Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blog for October 17 and 19

We are the dinosaurs! Marching, Marching!

We are looking at and playing with dinosaurs this week and the letter Dd.

For table activities we are printing with dino tracks, building a dinosaur with paper pieces, making dino tracks in playdoh and playing with dinosaurs big and small.

For small group we are making lava for our dinosaurs to wade through with baking soda and vinegar. We are also digging up fossils to find dinosaur bones.

For large group we are looking for dinosaur eggs and doing some dinosaur actions.

We sang the song, "We are the Dinosaurs" by the Laurie Berkner Band this week. and read "Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" by Byron Barton, "The Day of the Dinosaur" by Stan and Jan Berenstain, and "How to Dinosaurs Say Good Night?" by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague.

The KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-

Movement: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through movement- especially as we pretend to be dinosaurs!

Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles.- Even fun stuff like using eyedroppers to squirt colored vinegar and make lava is working those fine motor muscles, getting that pincer grip ready to hold a pencil and write.

Jesus time- This week we hear the rest of Joseph's story. When we left Joseph last week, he had just been made second in command of Egypt and helped to plan the storehouses of food that would last through the seven years of famine. Egypt wasn't the only place that was experiencing a famine. Joseph's brothers had no food either. So, when Jacob heard that there was food that could be bought in Egypt, he sent his sons. Joseph's first dream was about to come true. Ten of his brothers approached him seeking to buy food. He knew them, but they had no idea who he was. He accused them of being spies and imprisoned his brother Simeon. He told them he would keep Simeon in prison until they brought their youngest brother, Benjamin, along with them to Egypt. He then gave them their food, placing the money they had paid for it back inside the bags of grain. When they returned home and told their father what had happened, he didn't want to send Benjamin, he had already lost Joseph! Finally, the brothers convinced him. They went back to Egypt along with Benjamin to purchase more food. When they arrived, Joseph had them escorted to his home where he had a meal laid out for them. They were told which seats to sit in and they were arranged according to age. As the portions were passed out, Joseph's servants gave Benjamin more than the rest. Joseph was listening behind the scenes to see if there was any jealousy or hatred of Benjamin because he was favored. He heard none. To give the brothers one final test to see if they had really changed, Joseph sent them back home with sacks full of grain. He placed the money back in their sacks, but in Benjamin's sack, he placed his own silver chalice. He let the brothers get a head start, and when he caught up with them, along with his soldiers, he accused them of stealing the silver cup from his home. The brothers reassured him that they had not stolen anything. The bags were searched and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack! The older brothers spoke up, offering to take Benjamin's punishment, no matter what it was. Then Joseph finally revealed himself to them and told them that God had placed him in this place to accomplish the saving of many lives. He also assured them that he forgave them for what they had done to him. Joseph asked them to go get their father so that they could all live in Egypt and have all the food they needed. So Jacob and his family settled in the land of Egypt in a place called Goshen. God has a plan for us! To get us to be in heaven with Him, along the way we can share what He has done for us and keep our eyes focused on Him and hopefully others will see that trust and ask us why. And we can share our journey with them!

Have a terrific week!

Attendance slips for the zoo went out on Tuesday! Here is the link to sign up for a parent teacher conference on November 2nd or 3rd-

Mrs. Schneck

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