Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Water fun!

Image result for summer water play

This week we are playing with water!

Table activities include water play, watching water be absorbed by cotton balls, dropping different colored water on wax paper and watching "rain" run down gutters.

Small group activities include decorating and floating a sailboat and water color painting.

KDIs of the week are-

Use of resources: Children gather information and formulate ideas about their world.- We look at all the ways water is used and what it becomes, water all around us!

Jesus Time- This week we are reinforcing the fact that Jesus loves us, no matter where we go and what we do. He is with us on vacation, at home and at school.

Books of the week- "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" by Iza Trapani and "Water Can Be..." by Laura Purdie Salas.

Tomorrow- all are welcome to come! Lilly, Katalin, Skylar, Theresa and Maicoll should come at 6:15 so we can get our graduation caps on and lined up! Thanks!! Great to have you graduating! But we'll miss you so!

Have a great week and a great summer!

Mrs. Schneck and Mrs. Oetzel

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Ice is nice!

Image result for ice cubes

This week we are looking and talking about ice!

Table activities include building with ice, ice and arctic animals, colored ice and ice melt experiments.

Small group activities are painting on ice and painting with ice.

KDIs for the week are-
Drawing conclusions: Children draw conclusions based on their experiences and observations.- what does ice turn into? Why? Questions asked and answered in play.

Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas.- What melts ice faster? Salt? Sugar?

 Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of Pentecost. After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples went to Jerusalem to wait for the Counselor or Holy Spirit. Ten days after Jesus ascension, the disciples were in a locked room and the sound of a loud wind came, even though there was no wind, and tongues of fire appeared on the head of each disciples. Crowds heard the noise and gathered outside of the house where the disciples were gathered. They had been in Jerusalem for  a festival from many different countries and when the disciples went out to them, they were able to speak in many different languages so the people could understand them. Peter was given boldness to stand before them and tell them about Jesus, about how he had been crucified because of us and how he had risen from the dead. The people wanted to know how they could be saved. He told them to repent and be baptized and over 1000 people became believers that day! The disciples are following Jesus directions and spreading the good news to all people!

Books of the week- "Tacky and the Winter Games" by Helen Lester and "Over in the Arctic Where the Cold Winds Blow" by Marianne Berkes.

We have a guest joining us this week- It is Lydia Schultz, sister of our kindergarten teacher, Maggie Schwartz. Lydia is studying to be a preschool teacher and is doing some of her early field experience with us! Welcome Miss Schultz!

Next week is graduation at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 29th! We do have the day after on Thursday!!!

Next Friday, May 31st,  is a water fun day! Preschoolers are welcome to attend with their parents. The water fun starts at about 10:15 followed by a picnic lunch. Hope to see you there!

Have a nice, not icy, week!

Mrs. Schneck

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How does your garden grow?

Image result for kids and garden

This week we are learning about plants and what they need to grow!

Table activities include examining seeds with a magnifying glass, playing in dirt, playing with a pretend garden and examining flowers.

Small group activities are making a garden in a glove- we made this today- hang it in a sunny window until the seeds begin to sprout, then you can cut the fingertips off the glove and plant it, cottonball and all. They are all vegetable seeds. On Thursday we will plant outside.

KDIs for the week are-
Observing: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.- How does a seed become a plant?

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - What do leaves and seeds look like up close, inside?

Ecology: Children understand the importance of taking care of their environment. - How do we work together with plants? 

Books of the week are "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle and "How Does Your Garden Grow?" by Pat Patterson.

Jesus Time- Our story this week takes place 40 days after Easter. Jesus calls his disciples to meet him on a hill outside Jerusalem. There he instructs them to go and tell the good news to the whole world and gives them the comfort that he will always be with them, no matter where they go! After he says this, he is lifted up into heaven. The disciples stand there, watching him, until two angels ask why they are looking up into the sky. They assured the disciples that this same Jesus will come back to take us to heaven someday. The disciples went to wait in Jerusalem until Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to them at Pentecost.
We are still waiting for Jesus to come back! He is with us as we do the job he has given us to do- Go tell the good news!

This Wednesday is our Detroit Institute of Art field trip! Please meet there by 9:30. Here is some parking information-
Museum Parking Lot: A lighted, secured parking lot is located east of the DIA. Located on John R. St., south of Kirby St. and north of Warren Ave. Daily parking rate is $7; cash and credit cards are accepted.
Valet: Valet is not currently available.
Wayne State University Parking: Two parking structures operated by Wayne State University are within a short distance of the DIA:
Rackham parking structure is located on Warren Ave, East of Warren and West of Woodward Ave. Credit cards only.
Welcome Center parking structure is located on Putnam St., just west of Woodward Ave. Credit cards only.

Street Parking: The City of Detroit has metered street parking located around the DIA. Parking is limited to a maximum of two hours. The DIA’s Parking Zone is 202. To pay, visit a kiosk or download the “Park Detroit” app(opens in new window).

Hope to see you there! Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Image result for insects

This week we are listening for the sound of Ii and exploring the world of insects.

Table activities include an insect explore, playdoh insects, bug dotters and invite to create paper insects.

Small group activities are observing a cricket in a magnifying jar and making an insect model out of Crayola Model Magic.

KDIs of the week are-

Observing: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.- We carefully observed the cricket and noticed their six legs and three body parts.

Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds.- Ii is our last letter! We have traced and said the sounds for every letter in the alphabet.

Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of Thomas. Thomas was one of Jesus' disciples, one of the group of 12 closest to Jesus. When Jesus appeared to the group of disciples in a locked room on Easter evening, Thomas was not there. The Bible never tells us why, but he didn't get the chance to see Jesus that day. When Thomas later returned, the disciples excitedly told him that the Lord had appeared to them. Thomas did not believe them. He chalked it up to grief and refused to admit they had really seen the risen Jesus. Thomas stated that he would not believe unless he put his fingers in the nail marks in Jesus' hands and his hand in the spear wound in Jesus' side, he would not believe. A week went by and we find the disciples locked in the upper room again, this time Thomas was with them. Jesus appeared, assured the disciples of his peace and went right up to Thomas. He told Thomas to go ahead, put his fingers in the nail marks, his hand in his side, stop doubting and believe. Thomas immediately fell to his knees and proclaimed, " My Lord and my God." Jesus called him blessed because he believed, but proclaimed that those who have not seen and yet believe are even more blessed! That's us, we haven't seen Jesus, but we believe in him through the work of the Holy Spirit! 

Books of the week are- "Diary of a Spider" by Doreen Cronin, "Some Bugs" by Angela DiTerlizzi and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle.

You should have received the attendance slip for the DIA field trip next Wednesday. Please return by Thursday.

Have a super week!
Mrs. Schneck