Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Blog for March 7 and 9

"The more we get together, together, together, the more we get together, the happier we'll be"
We are learning about friends this week, what friends do for each other and how to be friends.

Table activities this week are fingerpainting with friends, making a weaving hoop with friends, kindness stones to decorate and making a paper chain with our friends.

Some KDIs we are working on this week are-

Empathy: Children demonstrate empathy toward others.- We are learning about how others feel and relating it to times we may have felt the same.

 Community: Children participate in the community of the classroom.- We all work together to play, learn, clean up and get to know one another.

 Building relationships: Children build relationships with other children and adults. - Talking time at snack or during play helps us get to know one another.

Jesus Time- This week we hear the story of the 10 Lepers. In Jesus' day, leprosy was a horrible disease. You were disfigured and ill, you had to leave your family and friends because leprosy was also contagious. You lost all that was near and dear to you. Imagine these 10 men, brought together because of this horrible disease and they hear rumors of someone who could cure it. This Jesus has healed the sick, raised people from the dead, fed thousands of people, blind see, deaf hear! We need to see him! They call to Jesus to help them. Jesus has compassion on them and tells them to go show themselves to the priest. The priest was the only one who could confirm that they were healed and able to go home. They ran, they knew they were being healed. They could go home! See their families! All ran to see the priest, all but one. One stopped, turned around and ran! Ran to Jesus! He threw himself at Jesus'feet and fell down in enormous gratitude for what had been given to him! Jesus helped him up and said, "Didn't I heal ten? Where are the other 9?" Wow!! How often do we forget to say thank you to our Lord? The sun rose today,  I wake up in a warm house with clothes for my back, food for my belly and a car to spare my feet the walk! Thank you, Jesus!!

Books of the Week- "My Friend is Sad" by Mo Willems, "Madeline" by Ludwig Bemelmans, and "Ribbit" by Rodrigo Folgueira.

Next week Wednesday we have a field trip to the Leslie Nature Center in Ann Arbor. The cost is $5 each. An information and attendance slip will be coming home on Thursday.

Have a fantastic week!
Mrs. Schneck

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