Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentines Blog

Happy Valentine's Day!

Three year olds had a great Valentine's Day today! They played in a Valentine's sensory bin, decorated bags to take their treats home in, played some Valentine's games and delivered their Valentines.

They did a great job with name recognition! It was super to see!

Some KDIs emphasized this week are-

Reflection: Children reflect on their experiences.- We are really working on this one, try to remember what we played or did. Ask your kids when you get home from running errands if they can remember the places you went. Get those memories in gear- so important to retain other necessary information!

Concepts about print: Children demonstrate knowledge about environmental print- Looking for the names on the bags that match the names on their Valentines! Great job!

Jesus Time-We are learning about Jairus' daughter. A man had a daughter who was very sick and as a last resort, he sought out Jesus for help. As they were coming to the house, crying was heard, his daughter had already died. Jesus told the mourners in the house that she was only sleeping- they thought him crazy! He went into the girl's room, sat on the edge of her bed, took her hand and said, "Little girl, get up!" and she did!! He then told her mother to get her something to eat. Because Jesus lives, we also will live! 

Books of the Week- We are reading various Valentine themed books this week, such as "Hedgehugs" by Steve Wilson and Lucy Tapper, " Love Bugs" by David A. Carter and "Blue's Valentines Day" by Deborah Reber.

Have a great week!

 Tell others interested in a three or four year old preschool about us! We are having an open house on Sunday, February 26th from 2-4 pm. 

A little Valentine shuffleboard-

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