This week our packet is all about insects! We have some wonderful Painted Lady Butterflies that have come out of their cocoons. I am feeding them paper towels saturated with sugar water. Hopefully the weather will warm up soon and I can let them go! Our praying mantis egg case hasn't opened yet, but I will post pictures as soon as it does!
In your packet-
- a butterfly sun catcher- grown-ups can put the butterfly outline on the clear contact paper, you can fill it with tissue paper, try to use your pincer fingers to take one piece at a time! Then, grown-ups can put the other piece of contact paper on and trim it!
- pieces to create a paper bug- remember three body parts and six legs!
- bug stickers to create a bug scene
- bug fossils- a piece of gray playdoh with a couple plastic bugs- press the bugs into the playdoh and pull them out, then let the playdoh dry so you have bug fossils!
- Butterfly matching game
- tissue paper butterflies to catch- your grown-up can drop them from up high and you try to catch them as they flutter down
- model magic and pipe cleaners to make a bug- you can color the model magic once it dries- three body parts- head, thorax, abdomen and six legs
- butterfly life cycle- first the butterfly lays eggs on a leaf- so glue down the leaf and grains of rice for the eggs, then a caterpillar hatches- use the pompoms to make a caterpillar, then the caterpillar makes a chrysalis- glue down the stick and crunch up some of the brown paper to make a chrysalis, then a butterfly comes out of the cocoon- use the butterfly shape and the black piece of paper to make a body(you can color the butterfly)
-bug action cards to move around with
- a little jar to catch a bug in and take a closer look at- don't forget to let them go!
You also received the book of the month which is "Fly Guy Presents: Insects" by Tedd Arnold- I thought it fit very well with our theme this week. This book is yours to keep, so I hope you can learn about insects all summer long!!
Our Bible story is about Jesus resurrection. Last week, our story seemed pretty hopeless and sad. Jesus had died and was buried. After Jesus was buried, the women who followed Jesus decided that they would go and prepare his body better. That Friday afternoon they had to rush and didn't give Jesus the treatment they felt he deserved. They made plans to get up early Sunday morning and go to the tomb to wash and anoint his body and wrap it in clean linen. On their way there, they suddenly remembered- The Stone! How are we going to move the huge stone that was rolled in front of the entrance to the tomb? They walked on, hoping guards or gardeners would be able to help them. When they arrived at the tomb, they were shocked! The stone was rolled away and Jesus' body was no longer there!! Then an angel spoke to them, "Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He isn't here, go tell his disciples he has risen from the dead!" The women ran back to tell the disciples. One woman, Mary Magdalene, hadn't seen the angel, she walked into the garden sobbing, wondering where Jesus' body could be, looking for answers. A man asked her why she was crying. She said that she was looking for the body of her Lord. The man said, "Mary," and she looks up. It is Jesus!! He is risen from the dead!
Also included in your packet is an Easter activity book. I had hoped it would have been here last week, but things are a little different right now! I hope you can still enjoy it!!
Watch for Mrs. Oetzel and I to still read stories and take a look at our Facebook page- I think you can join, because I invited everyone. If I missed an email address- just request to join and I will include you! We are mostly posting pictures from the past year and you are very welcome to post pictures of what you are doing during this time!!
Love and miss you all!!
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