This week we are going to play with, experiment with and decorate jars and look and listen for the letter Jj.
Table activities include filling and dumping jars with beans and other items, putting "cookies" in the cookie jars by number, and seeing how much water fits into different shaped jars.
Small group activities are making a rainbow in a jar- to do this activity we mixed 2T, 4T, 6T, and 8T of sugar and a few drops of food coloring into warm water and very carefully put the densest water on the bottom and with pipettes squirted the mixtures in order of greatest density to least to make a sugar water rainbow! Thursday we will make a rainbow on the outside of the jar with glue and tissue paper.
KDIs for the week are-
Measuring: Children measure to describe, compare, and order things.- even though one jar may look bigger because it's taller, we see which jars hold the same amount, more or less.
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas. - What do you think will happen if...? Let's try it and see what does happen.
Jesus Time-
This week we hear about the Wise Men or Magi who come from so far away to praise and worship the Savior of the world! When Jesus was born a large, bright star appeared in the sky. Several wise men from the east saw that star and decided to follow it where ever it lead. We can only guess that they heard the promise of a Savior perhaps from Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego or maybe Daniel in the Old Testament. They followed the star for almost a year when they reached Jerusalem. It made sense to them that if there was a newborn king, he would be in the capital city. They asked around seeing if anyone knew anything about a king. Word of their arrival reached King Herod, who was a very wicked king. He certainly knew nothing about a new king and was not about to lose his throne. He called the wise men before him and asked what they knew and what they were looking for. Through his own wise men, he found out that the new king was to be born in Bethlehem, not far from a Jerusalem. Herod asked them to go worship the newborn king and then return to tell him exactly where this little one was. He was not looking to worship Jesus, but to get rid of a challenger to his throne. The wise men continued to follow the star to Bethlehem where it stopped over a house where Jesus and his family now lived. They entered and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. When they were sleeping, an angel appeared to them and told them to go home a different way so they wouldn't run into Herod again. Then an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, urging him to wake up and take Mary and baby Jesus and flee to Egypt. So God kept Jesus safe and sound, ready to do the job of being our Savior.
Coming up- Next Wednesday, January 16th, Leslie Nature Center will be presenting "How Animals Get Ready for Winter" from 9:15-10:00. All are welcome to attend with their parent!
Also, an all school field trip is taking place on Tuesday, January 22nd. There will be no school for us on that day and you are welcome to join all the students of Peace at Skyzone. We are invited to go to Skyzone from 9:30-noon, preschool parents must attend with their child. I will let you know more details as soon as I have them!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! Happy 2019!
Mrs. Schneck
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