What crazy weather weeks! We are still getting some learning in and hopefully sparking some curiousity!
Here's what we did in our last two days of preschool!
Last Thursday we talked about the Ll sound and the word lollipop.
For our table activites we made and decorated paper lollipops or made playdoh lollipops on lollipop sticks and pushed them into foam boards.
For our small group we used dissolve lollipop liquid that we had put into warm water at planning to do some color mixing. We learned that yellow and blue make green, red and blue make purple and yellow and red make orange and when you mixed all the colors together, you got interesting colors and effects.
Jesus Time- We heard about Jesus first public miracle. Jesus, his family and many of his disciples were invited to a wedding in the town of Cana. In those days, weddings lasted for a week and everyone was fed and provided for for the entire week. At this wedding, the week was not over and they had run out of wine. Jesus' mother Mary told Jesus that this had happened. He was waiting for the right time to do something for them. Mary told the servants to do whatever he told them to. Jesus told the servants to fill the large water jugs and take a cup of water to the master of the feast. When the man tasted the wine, he was surprised. It was delicious. It was the custom to serve the best wine at the beginning of the wedding celebration and here they had saved their best for last. Jesus showed his love and his power and it increased his disciples faith in him.
Books of the week- "Many Luscious Lollipops" by Ruth Heller and "The Big Red Lollipop" by Rukhsana Khan.
This week we played with dinosaurs and the sound and shape of the letter Dd.
Table activities were playing with dinosaurs and making scenes with dinosaur playdoh.
For small group we placed dinosaurs in trays of baking soda and made vinegar "lava" with pipettes.
Jesus Time- We learned about Jesus and the great catch of fish. Jesus had been preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee when he asked several fishermen to take him out on their boat. When they were out at sea, Jesus told them to let their nets out. The fishermen let him know they had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. They let out their nets and caught so many fish their nets began to break and their boats began to sink! Those fishermen, Peter, Andrew, James and John became Jesus disciples. They became fishers of men, letting people know the saving message of Jesus Gospel! Jesus loves us and died for us and rose again so we too can rise!
Books of the week were "Dinosaur Roar" by Paul Stickland, " How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?" by Jane Yolen and "Dinosaurs" by Gail Gibbons.
Hopefully things will get back to normal this next week! Stay warm and safe!!
Mrs. Schneck
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Uu is for under!

This week we are listening for the sound of Uu and investigating under things!
Table activities include playing under blankets and tables, coloring under the table, stacking upside down cups and playing with dirt to find what's underground.
Small group activities are drawing on our backs under the table, kind of like Michelangelo drawing on the ceiling and exploring the parts of plants that we find underground.
KDIs of the week are-
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and handeye coordination in using their small muscles.- Drawing up takes special movement and muscles.
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - Looking underground into a place we don't usually see or think about.
Jesus Time- Now we move ahead until Jesus is twelve years old and attending Passover in Jerusalem with his parents for the first time. Jesus and his extended family travel from Nazareth to Jerusalem to spend a week worshiping at the temple and visiting with each other. When it is time to return to Nazareth, Jesus is not with Mary and Joseph, but they assume he is traveling with family or friends making their way back home. When night comes and Jesus still isn't around, they become worried and return to Jerusalem to find him. They searched the city for three days. When they finally find Jesus, he is sitting in the temple fielding questions from the scribes and elders, who are amazed at the knowledge of this young boy. Mary and Joseph ask him why he worried them by disappearing. He stated that he had to be about his Father's business. Jesus was reminding them who he was and why he came, not to be a carpenter in Nazareth, but to be the Savior of the world. He went home with them and the Bible tells us that he grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man. Jesus does what he needs to do to accomplish our salvation, living a perfect life and dying an innocent death. He was both true man and true God.
Books of the week- "Diary of a Worm" by Doreen Cronin, "Vegetables in Underwear" by Jared Chapman and "Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt" by Kate Messner.
Tomorrow, January 16th, Leslie Science and Nature Center will be visiting preschool from 9:15-10:00 to talk about how animals get ready for winter. All are welcome! Please come around 9:10 so we are settled and ready to begin by 9:15. Thanks!
Next Tuesday, January 22nd, we have a school wide field trip from 9:45-12:15. For $5 your child can jump at Airtime on trampolines. Waivers and attendance slips were sent home today, please return them by Thursday if you are planning on going. We will not have school that day!
Have a terrific week!
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Jj is for jars!
This week we are going to play with, experiment with and decorate jars and look and listen for the letter Jj.
Table activities include filling and dumping jars with beans and other items, putting "cookies" in the cookie jars by number, and seeing how much water fits into different shaped jars.
Small group activities are making a rainbow in a jar- to do this activity we mixed 2T, 4T, 6T, and 8T of sugar and a few drops of food coloring into warm water and very carefully put the densest water on the bottom and with pipettes squirted the mixtures in order of greatest density to least to make a sugar water rainbow! Thursday we will make a rainbow on the outside of the jar with glue and tissue paper.
KDIs for the week are-
Measuring: Children measure to describe, compare, and order things.- even though one jar may look bigger because it's taller, we see which jars hold the same amount, more or less.
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas. - What do you think will happen if...? Let's try it and see what does happen.
Jesus Time-
This week we hear about the Wise Men or Magi who come from so far away to praise and worship the Savior of the world! When Jesus was born a large, bright star appeared in the sky. Several wise men from the east saw that star and decided to follow it where ever it lead. We can only guess that they heard the promise of a Savior perhaps from Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego or maybe Daniel in the Old Testament. They followed the star for almost a year when they reached Jerusalem. It made sense to them that if there was a newborn king, he would be in the capital city. They asked around seeing if anyone knew anything about a king. Word of their arrival reached King Herod, who was a very wicked king. He certainly knew nothing about a new king and was not about to lose his throne. He called the wise men before him and asked what they knew and what they were looking for. Through his own wise men, he found out that the new king was to be born in Bethlehem, not far from a Jerusalem. Herod asked them to go worship the newborn king and then return to tell him exactly where this little one was. He was not looking to worship Jesus, but to get rid of a challenger to his throne. The wise men continued to follow the star to Bethlehem where it stopped over a house where Jesus and his family now lived. They entered and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. When they were sleeping, an angel appeared to them and told them to go home a different way so they wouldn't run into Herod again. Then an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, urging him to wake up and take Mary and baby Jesus and flee to Egypt. So God kept Jesus safe and sound, ready to do the job of being our Savior.
Coming up- Next Wednesday, January 16th, Leslie Nature Center will be presenting "How Animals Get Ready for Winter" from 9:15-10:00. All are welcome to attend with their parent!
Also, an all school field trip is taking place on Tuesday, January 22nd. There will be no school for us on that day and you are welcome to join all the students of Peace at Skyzone. We are invited to go to Skyzone from 9:30-noon, preschool parents must attend with their child. I will let you know more details as soon as I have them!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! Happy 2019!
Mrs. Schneck
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