This week we are talking about kites and wind. We are looking forward to a fun summer full of great activities!!
Table activities this week include stringing beads on a kite tail, decorating our own kites, playing with mini parachutes and designing pinwheels.
Our small group activities are using the power of our own wind to- blow cotton balls and other items across a tray with a straw and paint with wind.
KDIs for the week are-
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas.- How hard or how soft to blow? Where to blow? Testing out our ideas to fly our kites too!
Music: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through music. - Flying our kites and dancing to music this week.
Jesus Time- Our Jesus Time this week was a picture led review of all the stories that we have heard this year. From creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and his brothers, Moses, the tumbling walls of Jericho, David and Goliath, The Three men in the Fiery Furnace, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, the shepherds and wise men, Jesus and the miracles he did, talking to Zaccheus, coming into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, dying for our sins on Good Friday, rising again on Easter, ascending into heaven and the disciples receiving the Holy Spirit and telling others about Jesus, to Jesus leading us through his Word to heaven too!
Books of the week- "Days with Frog and Toad"- the Kite Story by Arnold Lobel, "Bringing the Outside In" by Mary McKenna Siddals.
Our last week! Enjoy your summer vacation!! Have lots of great experiences and read, read, read!!
Join us for preschool graduation on Wednesday, May 30th at 6:30pm!
Hopefully you received the information on Water fun day on Friday- all are welcome from 10:30-noon, parents have to accompany their preschooler.
God bless your summer!!
Mrs. Schneck
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