Welcome back! I pray you had a blessed Easter!
This week we are looking under! Underground, under water, under rocks, houses, under everything. We are listening and looking for the letter Uu.
Table activities are playing with dirt and looking for worm, making little habitats for dinosaurs, bugs and fairies, playing with "dirt" playdough and coloring under the table.
Small group activities are looking to see what's under the ground with a plant. We looked at what was above the ground like leaves or flowers and then guessed what was underneath. We saw lot of roots that looked like spiderwebs or strings hanging down under the plants. We will plant a seed under the ground and wait for it to grow.
KDIs of the week are-
Observing: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment.- We look and pay attention to things we don't normally see, underneath.
Pretend play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play- As week pretend to build homes for fairies and dinosaurs, pretend worms and bugs are real and use our imaginations!
Jesus Time- This week we hear about how Jesus appeared to the disciples on their way to Emmaus and in the locked room in Jerusalem. The women had seen angels in the tomb and told the disciples what they said- Jesus is Risen!! The disciples still doubted the women's words. Ten of the eleven were locked in a room, fearful of the Romans, despondent over the death of their teacher, hopeless. Two other followers of Jesus were walking to the town of Emmaus, about 7 miles away from Jerusalem. As they walked, they talked about the events of the past week, Jesus triumphal entry, his betrayal, his trial, crucifixion and death. A third man joined them and asked what they were talking about. They were amazed that he hadn't heard about the news in Jerusalem, so they filled him in. As they walked, he asked them questions about Jesus, leading them from Old Testament prophecy to prophecy, showing how Jesus was the fulfillment of the promised Messiah. They stopped to eat and invited him to sit with them. As he lifted the bread to bless it, their eyes were opened! THEY HAD BEEN TALKING TO JESUS THE WHOLE TIME! He disappeared from their sight and they ran back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples what they had seen. Jesus also appeared among the 10 in the locked room. He showed them his hands, feet and side and asked for something to eat to prove he wasn't a ghost. Thomas was missing. Jesus blessed and encouraged his disciples! There is so much more proof, but we believe without seeing. Jesus calls us blessed!!
Books of the week are "Over and Under the Pond" by Kate Messner and "and then it's spring" by Julie Fogliano.
Have a spectacular week!
Mrs. Schneck
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