Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Blog for October 10 and 12

Falling from the trees!! This week we are looking at leaves! And the letter Ll.

Our Table time activities are painting with leaves, looking at leaves with a magnifying glass and doing leaf rubbings.

Our small group activities have to do with leaves also, today we made leaf people or animals and Thursday we will use a "sticky wall" to collect leaves we find outside.

Our large motor activities are tossing leaves in the air and raking leaves. We are going to enjoy this outdoor weather as long as we have it!

Our books this week are "Clifford's First Autumn" by Norman Bridwell, "My Leaf Book"  by Monica Wellington and "Leaves" by David Ezra Stein.

The KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-

Body awareness: Children know about their bodies and how to navigate them in space.- We also look at the parts of our bodies the children include in their leaf person or animal. Head, body, legs, arms, eyes, mouth, what other parts are we made up of?

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. - This continues our discussion and discovery about why leaves change in the fall from Nankin Mills. We will keep talking about that this week. 

Our Jesus Time this week includes a large portion of Joseph's life. Joseph was Jacob's favorite son, born from his wife Rachel. Joseph was one of his younger sons, but he was put in charge of the elder sons, in fact Jacob often sent him out into the fields to make sure his older sons were doing a good job watching the sheep and goats. Joseph also had dreams that he shared with his family. One dream was that Joseph dreamed each brother was a sheaf of wheat, all the brothers sheaves bowed down to his sheaf. He also had a dream where he was standing in the night sky and 11 stars and the sun and the moon all bowed down to him. His father showed his favoritism by gifting Joseph a beautiful, multi-color coat. This time, when he went out to check on his brothers, they decided to get rid of him. Some of them even thought about killing him. When he arrived, they grabbed him, pulled off his beautiful coat and threw him in a pit. When traders on their way to Egypt passed by, they pulled him out and sold him into slavery.
 Meanwhile, they ripped up his coat, killed a goat or sheep and dipped the coat in its blood. When they returned home, they showed their father the coat as proof that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. 
Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt where he works hard and is made head over the slaves, until his owners wife accuses him of doing something wrong. Then Joseph is thrown into jail, where he again works hard and becomes the one in charge of the prisoners. At one time, there are two prisoners in jail who both worked for Pharaoh. They have strange dreams and heard that Joseph could interpret dreams. He prays and asks God to give him the meaning to their dreams and when what he says comes true, he asks the former prisoner to remember him and tell Pharaoh about him.
Time passes and Pharaoh has some crazy dreams about cows and wheat. Finally, his official remembers Joseph and they get him out of prison. Pharaoh demands that Joseph tell him his dreams and what they mean. When Joseph is able to tell Pharaoh and gives suggestions to solve the problems the dreams foretell, Pharaoh makes Joseph second in command of all Egypt.

An Amazing Story!! God is with us wherever we go and whatever happens to us!

Have an amazing week!!
Mrs. Schneck

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