Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Blog for March 21 and 23

Twigs, branches, sticks and leaves! We are talking about forests and trees this week! What covers trees like their skin? Bark! Bb is for bark is our letter this week!

Table activities are making sculptures with playdoh, twigs, string and other stuff, matching trees to a shape, leaf printing and an evergreen sensory bin.

Some KDIs we are looking at this week are-

Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world- learning about what trees do, how there are different kinds of forests in different places in the world.

Ecology: Children understand the importance of taking care of their environment- How do we treat trees? What can we do so we don't use up trees?

Jesus Time- Our story this week has a tree as a main character. A tax collector named Zaccheus was anxious to see Jesus. He had heard that Jesus was friends even with tax collectors who everyone usually hated. Zaccheus had one small problem, he was small, short, and there was no way he could see Jesus over the crowds. So, Zaccheus climbed a tree! As Jesus passed by, he looked up in that tree, called to Zaccheus and invited himself to his house. Jesus went to Zaccheus' house for the evening meal and Zaccheus turned his life around. He stopped stealing from his fellow Israelites and paid back double what he had stolen. We should be just as desperate to see and hear from Jesus. He loves us and wants to be with us!!

Books of the Week-"A Busy Year" by Leo Lionni and "The Umbrella" by Jan Brett.

Don't forget to sign up for parent-teacher conferences at the following link-<http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c45afa72fa3fe3-parent>

If your child tells you we went to the basement today, they are telling you the truth. It's the time of the year that we have a tornado drill, so we went down into the basement and pretended we were "rocks" curling into a ball and covering our heads. So, if some version of that story is told, that's exactly what we did!

Next week, NO SCHOOL, it is Spring Break!! We will see you in April! 
Show and Tell schedules will go home on Thursday!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck

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