One of the warmest February on record!! So, today we played with ice!
I did not expect it to be quite so warm.
Morning activities gave friends the chance to build with ice cubes and decorate them with sequins, play with colored ice on paper or in bowls.
To choose this morning, each child chipped a bead out of ice and stated their plan to play.
Some KDIs we concentrated on today were-
Observing: Children observe the materials and processes in their environment. - We painted our ice and even took it outside, what happens to it?
Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas- How did the ice cubes mix colors? We experimented alot today!
Jesus time- This week we are hearing the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. Imagine, a group of close to 15,000 people followed Jesus all day, listening to him preach and teach and heal and bless. They followed him as he walked and soon it was close to the time for the evening meal. They were too far from home and Jesus did not want to send them away hungry. To test the disciples, he asked them to go in to a small village that was close by and get all these people something to eat. The disciples said they didn't have nearly enough money and even if they did, there was no way that small village would have enough food for them to eat! Then one disciple brought forward a small boy who was willing to share his lunch. He had two small dried fish and five small barley loaves. Jesus took the food and blessed it and began breaking it apart and handing it out, after everyone was full, the disciples collected 12 baskets full of leftovers! How did that happen? Another miracle that Jesus performed! He had to set the people straight though, after this they wanted to make him their "Bread King", they would never be hungry!! He left because that is not why He came, He came to save us by dying on the cross and rising again! He never stops caring for our bodies or our souls! Hallelujah, What a Savior!!
Books of the Day- "The Mitten" by Jan Brett, "Stranger in the Woods" by Carl R. Sams, and "Outside" by Deirdre Gill.
Next week is a special week! It is Spirit Week! The basketball players in the big school have a tournament next weekend!
We would love for you to participate- Monday is Comfy, Cozy Day- wear your pajamas, Tuesday is Sports Jersey Day and the visitor from the Westland Humane Society also comes at 9:30 that day, Wednesday is Guys in Ties, Girls in Pearls, wear your best, it's Ash Wednesday, church for many of us and Thursday is Red and Black day, our school colors.
On Thursday night, from 6-7:30 is Spirit Night- the pep band will play, pompom girls will do their routine and root beer floats will be served. You will also get the chance, for a small fee, to through a pie at some teachers, me included!!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck
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