White and fluffy, made of good, refreshing H2O- snow? Actually this week we are taking a look at clouds! We played with cloud type materials, made raindrop suncatchers, painted clouds and read books about clouds.
Some KDIs we are working on this week are-
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles.- Nothing uses fine motor skills like peeling apart tissue paper or squeezing cotton balls.
Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world. We learned a little about the three ways water comes, solid, liquid and gas. Clouds produce rain and storms. We'll experiment more on Thursday.
Jesus Time- This week we hear about Jesus calming a storm. Jesus had a busy day of preaching, healing and helping people. He wanted to go to the other side of the lake for a rest. Many of his disciples were former fishermen, they could handle a boat. When Jesus got in the boat, he found a cushion and fell asleep. While he was sleeping, a violent storm quickly whipped up on the Sea of Galilee and he slept on! His disciples frantically woke him, distraught and fearing for their lives. He questioned their faith- Didn't they just hear him preach, see him make blind men see and lame people walk again? Don't they trust Him? He simply said ,"Quiet, be still." And the storm ceased. The disciples were amazed, even the wind and waves obey him!
We don't need to worry either! We have a God who knows our needs and can calm the stormy seas of our hearts with the same "Quiet, be still. I am here".
Books of the Week- "Cloudette" by Tom Lichtenheld and "Little Cloud" by Eric Carle.
I will have more information for you about our February visitor from the Westland Humane Society on Thursday. Have a great week!
Mrs. Schneck
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