Ready, set, go!! This week in three year old preschool we are talking about "Things that Go". Lots of cars, trucks, trains, boats and planes are on the go. We looked at the letter Gg and talked about both of the sounds it makes- "g" like in go and "j" like in giraffe.
Some of the KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events- We talked about different ways to go, on land, by water or in the air and which vehicles go which way.
Conflict resolution: Children resolve social conflicts- We are seeing a little more in the way of sharing issues and pointing out the correct way to resolve them with words and not grabbing or angry actions.
Personal care: Children carry out personal care routines on their own- Inside/outside shoes- children are getting practice at putting on and taking off shoes on their own and putting away each pair.
Jesus Time- This week we are talking about Moses receiving the 10 Commandments. We talked about what those commandments are, how they show love for God and love for each other. We are learning the Bible passage 1 John 5:3- This is love for God: to obey His commands." We are so thankful that God sent His Son Jesus to keep the commandments perfectly because we can't, no matter how hard we try. Jesus loves us and forgives us!
Books of the week- "Little Blue Truck" by Alice Shertle, "Going Places" by Peter and Paul Reynolds and "Old McDonald had a Truck" by Steve Goetz.
Detroit Zoo next week Thursday- we will meet in the tunnel as you go into the zoo at 10am, we will meet again for snack at 11:30am. In between times, you and your child can go through the zoo exhibits at your own pace, there is no specific program. We will be talking about animals getting ready for winter, although with the weather lately, not sure much winter prep is actually happening!
Have a wonderful week!!
Mrs. Schneck
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