Sorry about not having a blog post last week, but I will tie it in to this week's blog.
Hope our Thanksgivings were wonderful! We are talking about healthy eating this week, looking at the letter Ee and the sounds it makes, and reading about some very silly eaters.
Some of the KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-
Healthy behavior: Children engage in healthy practices- We are learning about healthy eating and are always washing hands and using tissues as part of trying to stay healthy. We do have alot of illness going around this time of year.
Comprehension: Children understand language.- Not just the words at face value, but also irony and other word play common in our American English language. This week we read about a goat who was a terrible eater, for the goat that meant he liked fruits and vegetables, not the tin cans and newspapers his parents were trying to get him to eat. Language is fun to play with and leads to deeper understanding.
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events- We are attempting to classify fruits and vegetables this week.
Jesus Time- We have the last story in the Old Testament this week about the three men in the fiery furnace. Israel had been conquered by the Babylonians and many of its promising young people taken captive. Three young men named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego bravely stood up to the Babylonian king when he demanded they bow down to an idol. He had them thrown into a fiery furnace, God rescued them. He continues to be with us and rescue us today!
Books of the Week- "Gregory, the Terrible Eater" by Mitchell Sharmat, "Little Pea" by Amy Krause Rosenthal and "D. W. The Picky Eater" by Marc Brown.
Last week we concentrated on Thanksgiving. On Tuesday morning, we had a choice of making a turkey out of paper or using paint to make turkey tracks, we added a feather to our turkey and said what we were thankful for before we planned, we made a tissue paper turkey, did the "Turkey Pokey" and read "Clifford's Thanksgiving" by Norman Bridwell and " Let's Celebrate God's Blessings on Thanksgiving" by Lisa Caldwell.
Next week there is a field trip to the DNR Outdoor Adventure Center on Wednesday, December 7th. We will meet there at 10am. Please turn in your attendance slip by this Friday.
Have a super week!!
Mrs. Schneck and Mrs. Dostal
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Three year old blog for November 15 and 17
This week we talked about bears and the letter Bb. When we pretended to hibernate, we woke up in spring and had to plan what to play.
Thursday at 10am, we will meet at the Detroit Zoo, at the tunnel that leads from the parking area to the main entrance. It is down at the bottom of the map.

We will tour on our own and then meet at the play scape just west of the aviary at 11:30 for a snack. You are welcome to stay as long as you like. I will be leaving at 12noon because I have afternoon obligations at the elementary school, but the zoo is open until 4pm.
Some of the KDIs we worked on during our one day of preschool this week are-
Body awareness: Children know about their bodies and how to navigate them in space.- We did this during large group time as we moved to the song "Animal Action" and moved our bodies around.
Vocabulary: Children understand and use a variety of words and phrases.- The children were introduced to the words- hibernate, migrate and adapt- as we talked about how animals get ready for winter.
Jesus Time- This week's story was "The Walls of Jericho". We have a mighty God who defeats our enemies for us of sin, death and the power of the devil. We are also beginning to work on our recitations and song for the Christmas program which takes place on Sunday, December 18th. More information on that to come.
Books of the Week- "Bear Has a Story to Tell" by Philip Stead and "Sleep, Black Bear, Sleep" by Heidi E. Y. Stemple and Jane Yolen.
Have a great week!! Only one day of preschool next week too! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Mrs. Schneck and Mrs. Dostal
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Ready, set, go!! This week in three year old preschool we are talking about "Things that Go". Lots of cars, trucks, trains, boats and planes are on the go. We looked at the letter Gg and talked about both of the sounds it makes- "g" like in go and "j" like in giraffe.
Some of the KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events- We talked about different ways to go, on land, by water or in the air and which vehicles go which way.
Conflict resolution: Children resolve social conflicts- We are seeing a little more in the way of sharing issues and pointing out the correct way to resolve them with words and not grabbing or angry actions.
Personal care: Children carry out personal care routines on their own- Inside/outside shoes- children are getting practice at putting on and taking off shoes on their own and putting away each pair.
Jesus Time- This week we are talking about Moses receiving the 10 Commandments. We talked about what those commandments are, how they show love for God and love for each other. We are learning the Bible passage 1 John 5:3- This is love for God: to obey His commands." We are so thankful that God sent His Son Jesus to keep the commandments perfectly because we can't, no matter how hard we try. Jesus loves us and forgives us!
Books of the week- "Little Blue Truck" by Alice Shertle, "Going Places" by Peter and Paul Reynolds and "Old McDonald had a Truck" by Steve Goetz.
Detroit Zoo next week Thursday- we will meet in the tunnel as you go into the zoo at 10am, we will meet again for snack at 11:30am. In between times, you and your child can go through the zoo exhibits at your own pace, there is no specific program. We will be talking about animals getting ready for winter, although with the weather lately, not sure much winter prep is actually happening!
Have a wonderful week!!
Mrs. Schneck
Some of the KDIs we are concentrating on this week are-
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people, and events- We talked about different ways to go, on land, by water or in the air and which vehicles go which way.
Conflict resolution: Children resolve social conflicts- We are seeing a little more in the way of sharing issues and pointing out the correct way to resolve them with words and not grabbing or angry actions.
Personal care: Children carry out personal care routines on their own- Inside/outside shoes- children are getting practice at putting on and taking off shoes on their own and putting away each pair.
Jesus Time- This week we are talking about Moses receiving the 10 Commandments. We talked about what those commandments are, how they show love for God and love for each other. We are learning the Bible passage 1 John 5:3- This is love for God: to obey His commands." We are so thankful that God sent His Son Jesus to keep the commandments perfectly because we can't, no matter how hard we try. Jesus loves us and forgives us!
Books of the week- "Little Blue Truck" by Alice Shertle, "Going Places" by Peter and Paul Reynolds and "Old McDonald had a Truck" by Steve Goetz.
Detroit Zoo next week Thursday- we will meet in the tunnel as you go into the zoo at 10am, we will meet again for snack at 11:30am. In between times, you and your child can go through the zoo exhibits at your own pace, there is no specific program. We will be talking about animals getting ready for winter, although with the weather lately, not sure much winter prep is actually happening!
Have a wonderful week!!
Mrs. Schneck
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Three year old preschool for the week of November 1 and 3
"...Now I know my A, B, C's, next time won't you sing with me." This week we are concentrating on our ABCs. We are singing the songs, listening for the sounds each letter makes, naming each letter, seeing what letters are in our name and our friends' names.
The KDIs we are focusing on this week are-
Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language.- Trying to pinpoint what sound do we hear at the beginning of a word.
Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds- We are practicing by trying to figure out what item starts with what letter, and just looking at letters, big and small.
Writing: Children write for many different purposes.- We practice writing everyday, it may not look like much yet, but we will get there.
Jesus Time- This week we are learning about how Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt. God was with them the whole time as they crossed the Red Sea on dry land, as He provided manna and quail for them to eat in the wilderness. God protected and took care of them and He protects and cares for us also- all the time!!
Books of the week- "Alphabet Magic" by Chuck Murphy, "A Was Once an Apple Pie" by Edward Lear, "Astonishing Animal ABC" by Charles Fuge.
Regarding the zoo field trip, parking also needs to be paid ahead of time. The cost is $6/vehicle. It should be a great trip. I was also wondering if Zoey (whose snack day is that day) and Molly (who is missing her snack day this week) would be willing to bring us a small snack and a drink that we could meet at a certain time at a specific place at the zoo? We can talk more about that next week.
Please keep our 3rd and 4th grade teacher, Jan Murphy, in your prayers. She is hospitalized with pneumonia.
Have a fantastic week! See you Thursday or Friday for our little conferences!
Mrs. Schneck
The KDIs we are focusing on this week are-
Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language.- Trying to pinpoint what sound do we hear at the beginning of a word.
Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and their sounds- We are practicing by trying to figure out what item starts with what letter, and just looking at letters, big and small.
Writing: Children write for many different purposes.- We practice writing everyday, it may not look like much yet, but we will get there.
Jesus Time- This week we are learning about how Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt. God was with them the whole time as they crossed the Red Sea on dry land, as He provided manna and quail for them to eat in the wilderness. God protected and took care of them and He protects and cares for us also- all the time!!
Books of the week- "Alphabet Magic" by Chuck Murphy, "A Was Once an Apple Pie" by Edward Lear, "Astonishing Animal ABC" by Charles Fuge.
Regarding the zoo field trip, parking also needs to be paid ahead of time. The cost is $6/vehicle. It should be a great trip. I was also wondering if Zoey (whose snack day is that day) and Molly (who is missing her snack day this week) would be willing to bring us a small snack and a drink that we could meet at a certain time at a specific place at the zoo? We can talk more about that next week.
Please keep our 3rd and 4th grade teacher, Jan Murphy, in your prayers. She is hospitalized with pneumonia.
Have a fantastic week! See you Thursday or Friday for our little conferences!
Mrs. Schneck
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