Welcome to a week of opposites! This week we are experimenting with and talking about opposites.
This morning students had the opportunity to paint with black and white, match opposites and choose their activity by taking a bean from outside the bowl and putting it inside the bowl.
Some of the KDIs we are working on this week include-
Engagement: Children focus on activities that interest them.- This is what free play time is all about. We are also as a group getting much better verbalizing when we change our plan for play.
Gross-motor skills: Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance, and timing in using their large muscles. Today we moved in many opposite ways- fast , slow, high, low, with little steps, with big steps. We also learned stop and go by playing "Red Light, Green Light".
Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles. We practiced our fine motor skills as we picked up dried beans, used tweezers to sort big and little pompoms, put rubber bands on geoboards and draw.
Jesus Time- This week we hear the conclusion to the Joseph stories. Joseph's brothers come to Egypt to buy food as they also are experiencing a famine. Unknown to them, Joseph is the one who sells the food to them. After putting his brothers through several tests to see if they treat baby brother Benjamin like they treated him, he sees that they are genuinely repentant and reveals that he is their long lost brother, Joseph. He does not seek revenge, but encourages them to move their families to Egypt where he can take care of them and make sure they have enough food. He does the opposite of what the world would expect and he points out that God does the opposite often too! Genesis 50:20-"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." God is with us and makes bad things work for our good too!
Books of the week- "Am I Big or Little?" - a simple board book that talks about opposites, "Harry the Dirty Dog" by Gene Zion and "Contrary Mary" by Anita Jeram.
Book orders were sent home on Tuesday, due by October 28.
Three year old pictures will be taken on Thursday, October 27th. Flyers should have gone home, if you need one, let me know.
Our next field trip is Thursday, November 17, to the Detroit Zoo. I will need a count before hand as they make us pay prior to the day of the trip. I will be sending home an attendance slip next week.
Parent Teacher consultations are also coming up. Please sign up for a time slot for Thursday, November 3rd or Friday, November 4th. If you are not able to meet at any of those scheduled times, let me know and we can work out an alternative!
Have a terrific week!
Mrs. Schneck and Mrs. Dostal
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