Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welcome to Peace Lutheran Preschool!!
We are looking forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing together!

This week we are concentrating on-
 planning our play
 taking initiative as we explore our world
 focusing on activities that interest us and
 having a positive self-identity.

 These are all part of the High Scope Curriculum Key Developmental Indicators. To me that all sounds a little too academic.

Your children are learning to plan their play and learning what they are interested in. They are trying new things out as they play with toys, items and people they may not have played with before. They are learning a little more about who they are and how they fit into this big, wide world.

We begin each morning with a morning meeting, finding out what's going to go on in our class today. We read several books. For the three year olds, we read "The Wheels on the Bus" by MaryAnn Kovalski and "I Like Me" by Nancy Carlson. We hope also to read "My Friend is Sad" by Mo Willems.

Then we took a tour of things to do, came back to our morning meeting space and each chose something to play with. We didn't all stick to our plan today, but we started out there.

After free play time, we had the story of creation. We learned about how God created the world in 6 days and what He created on each day! We also sang some songs.

We then split into two groups and decorated the first letter of our names to be put into a three year old preschool book. We also colored hands to add onto big flowers in the "big kid" school.

We sang some more songs and learned each others names, while Mrs. Dostal got our snack ready. We ate our snack and then went outside to play!
It was a terrific day!!

I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday for more of the same!

Thanks for a great start to the year!
Mrs. Schneck and Mrs. Dostal

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