We are so glad to have you join us at Peace Lutheran Preschool!! Whether it is your first time or you are a returning student, we are glad you're here!!
We had a great day today!
This week we are learning and listening for the letter Mm and we learn about ourselves or All About ME!
Table activities as we enter are making a face by pasting face parts on and coloring, using clay to make a face on playdough mats, coloring with people shaped crayons and using blocks and cubes to show how big our feet or hands or arms are.
This week's KDI is-
Planning: Children make plans and follow through on their intentions- We are learning to plan our play and carry through with our plans. We are also recalling what we did and how we may have changed our plan.
Small group activities this week are making a life size self portrait (making sure to include two eyes, one nose and one mouth, we all looked in the mirror to see how our faces looked) and examining our unique fingerprints with magnifying glasses.
Jesus Time- This week we hear about the creation of the world. It only took six days and God's Word to do the work of creating all we see. On day one, God created light. On day two, God separated water from the land and also separated water above from water below. On day three, God created plants. On day four, God created the sun, moon and stars. On day five, God created everything that flies, like birds and bees, and everything that swims like fish and octopus. On day six, God created everything that lives on the land, including people. God formed the first man, Adam, out of clay and breathed the breath of life into him and he also created the first woman, Eve. Then God rested. God created this world for us so we can see how much he cares about us and loves us!
Books of the week are "From Head to Toe" by Eric Carle and "I Like Myself" by Karen Beaumont.
A reminder that there is no school this Friday and next Monday for the Labor Day weekend holiday!
Have an awesome week!!
Mrs. Schneck