This week we are playing with pumpkins and listening for the letter Pp.
Table activities include pounding golf tees into pumpkins, feeling pumpkin guts and seeds in a pumpkin sensory bin, making paper jack'o'lanterns and pumpkin playdoh.
Small group activities are painting pumpkins and adding our first page to our letter journal with the letter Pp.
KDIs of the week are-
Gross-motor skills: Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance, and timing in using their large muscles.- Pounding in pegs, bowling with pumpkins, lots of strength and timing used in our play this week.
Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds in spoken language. - Picking out the p's in our speech and making the sound.
Jesus Time- This week we are learning about the 10 plagues that God sent to Egypt when Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go. God changed water into blood, sent frogs, tiny flies, sickness to the animals, sores, hail, darkness and locusts. Finally God sent the worst plague of all, death of the firstborn. But the Israelites were kept safe through it all. God gave them directions on how to avoid the final plague so the angel of death would pass over their families.
Each time, Pharaoh promised to let God's people go and each time, he changed his mind when the troubles were past. How often we do the same, "God just get me out of this mess and I promise I'll go to church more or read my Bible more." Trouble passes and we forget. God's love for us is constant, it's our love for Him that needs work. Keep trying, don't turn your back on God, he is always there!
Books of the Week- "Inside a House That is Haunted" by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, "Pumpkin Heads" by Wendell Minor and "Pumpkin Pumpkin" by Jeanne Titherington.
We had a great time wearing our costumes and trick or treating in the big school today!
Have a super week!